In conclusion, I don't think that I will read more books by Mark Twain. Although I did enjoy most of this book, the writing style was much too out of character for me. I enjoyed expanding my vocabulary and I had many good laughs. There were a few too many dry spots in the plot where I would expect a climax.
Instead of the usual 'intro, inciting action, rising action, major crisis, climax, denouement' there were two points of rising action with a dry spot between. The second point of rising action did end up in a major crisis, climax, and finally, a denouement. In the end I was very satisfied with it all. I'm also very glad that I did read the book, and got through it all. It was worth it.
The atmosphere was very well displayed and well thought out. The setting of the story was elaborate. I learned quite a bit about what the mid 1800's were like along the Mississippi River. The tone conveyed by the author, Mark Twain, was often humorous. But there were also times that I thought the tone was quite melancholy. But overall, it was a good mix.
I think that the characters were very well put together. Tom Sawyer was a very likable boy. I loved reading about the ridiculous things he did. His mischievous character could make anyone laugh. Tom Sawyer was a static character; predictably funny. Huckleberry Finn was my favorite character. He was an outcast. He was different, yet the same as all the other boys. He had no restrictions and no supervision, so he was always up for a challenge. I think that he was a very dynamic character as I was constantly learning new things abou
t him even to the end of the book. These two characters made up the two protagonists.

I think that the antagonist was really Injun Joe in the end. Even from the start, he was causing trouble. I never liked him, and when I tried to imagine him, I just couldn't put a face to the description. He was definitely a dynamic character, as most antagonists are. He would pop up here and there in the beginning of the story, but became more involved near the end.
I did enjoy this book a lot, although I am glad to get it done with. I'm going to have a good night sleep with the knowledge that Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are safe and happy. I became sort of attached to these characters. Thank you Mark Twain.
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