Tom, Huck, and a boy named Joe all set out to run away from home. They were going to become outcasts, pirates. And that is just what they did. They stole a raft in the middle of the night and sailed away to a small uninhabited island. There, they set up camp. The people back in St. Petersburg all think that the three boys have drowned. They went out searching for them, but are prepared to have a funeral the following Sunday.

I am really liking this story. I love the adventurous aspect to these last four chapters. The three boys are out fending for themselves. They have enough food and fire and are quite content. And the whole adventure really makes me smile. I really do hope they stay on the island and continue to pursue their dreams of becoming 'pirates'.
The atmosphere in this story has changed. They moved from being in the town to being on an island. The three boys, Tom, Huck and Joe, are alone on an uninhabited island. Everything is very bright and green. There are plants all around, clear water, and animals everywhere. From birds to bugs to catfish. The air is humid and the boys are in their glory. Everything they do is exciting and new. The mood of the story has suddenly taken a very adventurous angle. The boys are living life on the edge and experiencing the world independently and daringly.
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